Aibotoys AIBO games - We want AIBO to play with you!


Tictaibo v1.0 Demo version

You can download the Tic-T'aibo software! The software license allows for a trial period of two weeks during which you can try out the Tic-T'Aibo application. If you like the software, buy a copy of the game pack!

To use, download and open the zip file to your disk, then install the r-code.r file on a memory stick containing Sony's R-Code 1.01 interpreter.

To remind you this is a trial version valid for 2 weeks only, Aibo will stop playing after you have played 2 games, and at that time makes a dance to remind you. Also, after you have started Aibo 3 times with the game, Aibo will again stop playing after and make the same dance. If you feel your 2 weeks evaluation is not over by this time, just reinstall the r-code.r on a fresh, new image of the R-Code 1.01 memory stick.

I agree the terms of the license, download now!

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